Reflect & Grow
01. Learning what works for me
One of the best things about the design process is that you come to curate your own. You learn what works for you, and what doesn't. You learn to do things faster, better, and more efficiently every time you take on a new project. This time setting a tight time constraint of 3 days allowed me to prioritize certain aspects of the design process such as user research and ideation to truly understand the problem and focus on concept development.
02. Don't design in a bubble
When designing an experience that serves a wide variety of users, everyone has a different experience. The way one person interacts with Instagram differs from the next person, and the next. Allowing users to have some flexibility and personalization is a crucial aspect of creating an experience that gives them value.
03. Diving into user-testing
The next step of this project is to dive into some user-testing. I'm curious to see the gaps with my proposed solution and see if people can easily navigate through the experience. If this feature were to exist, some metrics of success could be analyzed through increased user engagement and other metrics to measure performance since most users felt their content wasn't being reached and viewed by others such as close friends.